Thursday 31 May 2012

Dat Hair.

Sorry! was so lazy to update my blog lately. :( the weather damn hot lah! ugh -.- So, me and mang had our hair streaks done at Richard and Iris salon in spring! <3

At the salon at spring! 
Guess who we bumped into over there? -__- Ckg Lim Cher Kun. LOL she called sylvia "Farah" HAHAHA! i just curtly nodded at her.

She's so adorable ohmygosh!
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you laike my blonde moustache?!

and here's our... DUMB BLONDE MOMENT hahaha!
It's kinda dark purple now
The lady told us that it would be a much brighter colour under the sun. Oh and btw the colour's called Violet. <3

you're beautiful no matter what they say <3
Had to do this picture for my Star Assignment 5. LOL we had to write a sentence on our hands regarding the topic we were writing about. My team is doing Rights-Euthanasia, Women's Rights, Children's Rights, Animal Rights etc. so I'm doing women's rights -- the right to be happy and the right to be who they want to be.

And I love that song! <3

like my streak? :D

Couldn't resist camwhoring with my dad's camera! retarded clips on my shirt, BAHAHAHA. but i like my hair today! :) it wasn't sticking out everywhere like usual when i try to tame it down -.-

And i just realised i look a bit like sylvia here :O an imposter alert! LOL

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