Sunday 29 April 2012

Things I've been eyeing lately ;)

Remember when I said that I'm selling my clothes? yeah. These are the reasons why I'm strapped for cash : CLOTHES. and ACCESORIES and not to forget, I'm gonna get my hair done with my friend after first term exams. (Y) now I cant wait for exams to be over! 

So, recently I've been checking some blogs and whoa! I seriously want to buy some of the things in there! And I've found perfect gifts for people's birthdays!

Leopard-print top!

Eygptian Brown Top
Crimson V-neck Top
earthy tribal bodycon skirt

Love starts. ends. hipster bodycon skirts


ohmygosh! so pretty right?! EARCUFFS!

do you see the dolphin, starfish and seashell?! <3
whoa. fire themed earcuffs!

If you don't know how earcuffs are used, well look at how the model uses them

One sided feather earrings

drooling yet? HAHAHAHA! now you know my dilemma. sigh :'( gonna have to save up my money again! :(

Next, here are the stuffs that I feel like buying as gifts.

actually, they're all Iphone casings. hehe. :P but they are so cute! and they cost a bomb -__- RM 68.44 OH MY GOSH

for yi yang maybe? :) since he likes travelling 


for chao nick sim since he's an old man!
the picture quality for this is quite bad :O 

but the others, i don't know whether I'm going to buy them. so bloody expensive! WHOA. anyways! gotta shower!

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